To help you calculate your correct trim size we have four calculators: Standard Swing Door, Pivot/Double Action Door, and two Cavity Slider calculators (located on our separate Cavity Slider website). If you have any questions we're here to help, feel free to contact us at sales@hallmarkgroup.co.nz or call 03 313 4754.
Please ensure figures entered are correct and accurate. Hallmark Group accepts no liability for any costs, direct or indirect, from the incorrect use of this calculator. If you have any questions please contact us and we would be happy to discuss.
Please ensure figures entered are correct and accurate. Hallmark Group accepts no liability for any costs, direct or indirect, from the incorrect use of this calculator. If you have any questions please contact us and we would be happy to discuss.
Cavity Sliders - Trim Size Calculators
We have moved our two cavity slider calculators (Classic and CavZero) to our dedicated Cavity Slider website.